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A4 Plus

Top Interview Tips for CAD Jobs

Dress To Impress: First impressions set the tone for the interview and indicate that you understand the organisations style and how to fit in. Initial impressions do count!

Arrive 5 Mins Early: Arriving on time or late can be seen as ill-prepared, whilst too early could cause interviewer disruption. Arriving with a short time to spare will help you relax and compose your thoughts – plan for your journey and if you arrive too early then wait before proceeding to reception.

A Confident Sell: Candidates must sell themselves for performance and skills. Be careful not to over sell skills or exaggerate skills.

Work Examples: A portfolio or examples are an ideal way of showing technical or creative experience. Be prepared for a short test to demonstrate ability – it may just happen!

Strong Preparation: Find out about the Company; products, services, markets, competitors, strategies and current activities. With this info prepare good questions to ask.

Be Flexible: Try to be flexible with Interview times and employment start dates.

Questions you could ask yourself to help prepare:
    • Why should you be hired over someone else?
    • Why are you leaving your current job?
    • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    • Can you discuss your major achievements?
    • What are your personal interests outside of work?