3D CAD Software Forever Evolving!
Increased functionality and it’s benefits!
Software is a massive financial investment for all businesses and so, as new versions of SolidWorks, Inventor and AutoCAD are released, we make a point of very quickly reviewing the new features so that we can make sure we are using the software to its full potential, ensuring we are always working as efficiently as possible for the benefit of our Client’s.
Here are a few new features that we’d like to share with you – perhaps providing you with the same benefits we’re achieving ourselves!
Inventor 2019 has recently been released and it has a new and improved way of efficiently adding holes in your models. You can add dimensional and concentric constraints without first creating a sketch.
Inventor now also has shared views, which means we can get feedback on work in progress by sharing with clients the models on any device without the client needing an Autodesk license! They’ll be able to see Section Views and Exploded Diagrams, as well as being able to use the measuring tools. The bonus is that notes can be inserted by clients throughout the design process and without the need for big investment in additional licenses.
SolidWorks 2018 has been out since September 2017 and we’ve been benefiting from more flexibility with data, so that file formats such as STL, OBJ, STEP and IGES can seamlessly work.
They’ve added new drawing features such as insert 3D model views, automatic advanced hole callouts and layer support for cross hatching.
Chris, Design Manager
“We like to keep up to date with our software so we know what’s going on in the market place but we don’t let that limit us, we can easily access older versions of our software to meet client requirements”
Do you want to see how we could use our software expertise on your project? Give us a call on 01354 691820 to speak to one of our specialist team members today